What to Expect from Drug Rehab in Atlanta

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The National Center for Drug Addiction Statistics reports that over 160 million Americans currently abuse drugs.

The good news is that treatment for addictions is readily available from different care providers in this area. Do you know what to expect if you enroll in one?

If you or a family member are facing drug rehab in Atlanta, then you should read further. You’ll find out more about learn about what factors to consider when reviewing different drug treatment centers. You will soon discover that no two treatment facilities are exactly alike.

Types of Addiction

Ready to start your research on drug addiction treatment centers? Before you do, there is some information you should know about the disease itself. Addiction comes in two different forms. These forms include:

Behavioral Addiction

These types of addiction involve compulsive behaviors. This behavior is repeated and persistent.

A victim will repeat a behavior even if it doesn’t bring immediate benefit. Some common examples of behavioral addictions include gambling, overeating, and pornography.

Chemical Addiction

These addictions involve using a chemical or substance, directly. Chemicals range from nicotine to alcohol and other drugs.

Signs of Chemical Addictions

There are certain obvious and subtle signs of chemical addictions. These signs will result in changes to someone’s physical appearance. Their behavior or personality will change too. Common symptoms of addictions include the following:

Physical Changes

Physical changes that addicts will start to show include small or dilated pupils. Addicts also commonly have bloodshot eyes.

Other physical changes addicts have will include a dramatic weight change. These weight changes could either be weight gain or loss. Other examples of physical changes include lingering body odors as well.

Consumption Levels

Addicts will start to consume more drugs over a shorter period just to get the same “high.” Addicts will also start lying about how much they consume.

Changes in Habits/Attitudes/Behaviors

Addicts start to disregard their important life responsibilities. These responsibilities include caring for their kids or neglecting their jobs.

Addicts will also do activities that are dangerous to do while high. These activities might include driving cars or swimming.

You’ll also see addicts go through dramatic changes to their regular personalities. These changes will range from unexpected outbursts to angry oversensitivity.

You’ll also notice addicts become forgetful. They’ll also have a hard time paying attention or focusing.


An addict will experience withdrawal symptoms about eight hours after they consume drugs or alcohol. They start with feeling nauseous and sweaty and then they’ll have severe headaches. A withdrawal is also characterized by a seizure or confusion.

Dual Diagnosis

Many addicts also suffer from co-occurring behavioral or mental conditions. This is condition is called a dual diagnosis.

These disorders are often the underlying cause of the addiction. Addicts who have a dual diagnosis need integrated treatment plans. These plans tackle both disorders as interconnected issues.

By seeking substance abuse treatment for dual diagnosis, patients can work on reaching the healthy and fulfilling life they deserve.

Common Dual Diagnosis Examples

Common co-occurring disorders linked to addiction include some of the following:


Roughly 1 in 10 adults in the US report suffering from depression. Some victims diagnosed with depression will try to self-medicate with alcohol or drugs. Those with pre-existing depression will also suffer more once their high is over.

Bipolar Disorders

It is common for addicts to also struggle with bipolar disorder. It’s often tempting to self-medicate. Alcohol and drugs can offer temporary relief for these disorders. They also help reduce manic episodes or emotional situations for these victims as well.

Eating Disorders

An eating disorder often stems from a strong feeling of inferiority. Using drugs that suppress someone’s appetite is common among addicts with this disorder.

Attention-Deficit Disorder (ADD)

Addicts with attention-deficit disorder (ADD) are more inclined to abuse drugs as a way to handle their symptoms. Many victims take stimulants to treat ADD, which is habit-forming. It also leads to toxic patterns of substance abuse.

Borderline Personality Disorders

Borderline personality disorders and addictions will often happen at the same time. More than two-thirds of victims of BPD abuse substances throughout their lifetimes.


Schizophrenia is characterized by delusional thinking and hallucinations. Diagnosing schizophrenia and addiction is difficult because these two conditions have overlapping symptoms.

When an addict with schizophrenia abuses substances to self-medicate, they will put their health at a greater risk.

Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

When victims develop post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), their brain generates fewer endorphins. This means the afflicted person is more likely to use drugs or alcohol or drugs to feel secure.

The US Department of Veterans Affairs estimates that 75% of veterans who experienced trauma or violent events during combat suffer from alcohol abuse.

What Factors to Consider for Drug Rehab in Atlanta

Do you or someone you love suffer from addiction? Do you want help choosing a drug rehab in Atlanta? If you are, here are some aspects you should consider:

Treatment Formats

When it comes to a drug addiction treatment center, there are a variety of treatments to choose from. Here are the details on some of today’s existing addiction treatment facility formats. Look these over to find the format that’s right for you.

Inpatient Treatment Program

An inpatient treatment program is found inside a hospital. These hospitals watch patients 24 hours a day if they are not safe to be left on their own. These patients usually need non-stop observation to help them stabilize their condition.

Outpatient Treatment Program

An outpatient treatment center offers tests and other medical services for clients. Patients won’t have to stay overnight. A patient usually has a 1-2 hour-long session once or twice a week. They receive these services either in a clinic or an office location.

Residential Treatment Centers

Residential treatment centers are home-like health care facilities. They offer specialized treatment programs for specific addictions.

Behavioral problems, eating disorders, and substance abuse addictions are common addictions. A residential addiction treatment program will specialize in one of the following three formats:

Long-term Residential Treatment Services

Long-term residential treatment services can last between 6 and 12 months long. The length of stay depends on the severity of the victim’s condition.

Short-term Residential Treatment Services

Short-term residential treatment services include rigorous but short interventions. Many times, these services will last from several days to six weeks, depending on the patient’s need.

Therapeutic Community

A therapeutic community is a residential treatment program. Clients and treatment providers live together onsite. The therapeutic community approach instructs participants on how to review their current lifestyles.

This examination is necessary to follow a “right living” lifestyle curriculum. This curriculum includes working at being responsible, honest, responsible, and open to learning.

Treatment Period

Figure out with your treatment providers how long your treatment strategy will last. Will you need to take time off from your career? Some treatment plans can cooperate with your current work-life commitments.

Evaluate your commitment level and your comfort level. Then you’ll know the treatment duration that’s right for you. Meeting your day-to-day obligations is just as important as conquering your addictions.

Treatment Strategies

Effective addiction treatment plans will have common characteristics. Treatment plans should have goals and timelines for meeting those goals.

They must also spell out how the client will maintain contact with family members and friends. This contact is vital to ensure they receive their loved-ones support.

Effective treatment programs should include combinations of medication and psychotherapy. Psychotherapy is usually offered to patients in either an individual or group setting.

Reviews and References

Feedback from previous graduates who have completed their addiction treatment program is priceless. They can be the best source there is on the quality of a drug addiction treatment center.

These graduates have lived a similar experience as you and have experienced a facility’s process, firsthand. Look for those sites that share feedback on their programs from their recent graduates.

Some treatment centers have a graduate network or social media site where you can connect. Ask these brave people any of your questions so that you will find the best treatment strategy possible.

Common Procedures for Alcohol or Drug Addiction Treatment Centers

Each treatment center model listed above has its own unique approach. Yet, most centers have treatment programs that contain common procedures. These procedures include:


The most common withdrawal process used is managed detoxification. Patients go through this process while under a doctor’s care.

Managed detoxification will take place at either a hospital or an inpatient treatment center. This process will last between two and seven days. Sometimes the doctor applies sedatives to facilitate withdrawals.

Psychological or Behavioral Counseling

Behavioral counseling starts at inpatient treatment centers. This is where the client sets personal goals and tries different habit-changing techniques or other self-help resources.

Clients learn how to recognize the triggers of their addictions through psychological counseling.  Clients also learn through counseling sessions how their addiction might be the result of other mental health disorders.

These disorders might include anxiety or depression. Some patients might also benefit from either couples or family therapy meetings. The family’s support plays a vital role in the recovery process.

Taking Prescribed Medication

Taking prescribed medications is another process patients can try to quit alcohol or drug addictions.

For example, doctors can dispense medications such as Antabuse or Vitriol to assist patients on the road to beat their addictions. These drugs can stop the cravings some victims have after they quit consuming.

Doctors dispense Antabuse to help curb a patient’s drinking habit. This drug won’t cure alcohol abuse or eliminate the urge or drink.

Instead, this drug produces a physical reaction such as headaches, nausea, or vomiting. These reactions by themselves may be all the motivation you need to quit your drinking habits.

The doctor will also dispense one Vivitrol injection to patients per month. Vivitrol dampens the “feel good” sensations that alcohol and drugs create.

Ongoing Peer Support

Support groups like Narcotics Anonymous and Alcoholics Anonymous can help. They’ll help a patient continue their hard work once they leave their treatment center.

Peer support can help recovering patients muscle through relapses or make needed lifestyle changes. Patients receive this support when they attend support group meetings.

What’s the Next Step?

Talk it over with your doctor and ask them for their input on drug rehab in Atlanta that can treat your specific addiction. Check your professional and personal commitments. Those will dictate if an outpatient or residential treatment provider works best for you.

You can also check our website for more insights. We may have the information you need to beat your addiction. It’s time to live your healthiest life starting today!

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