Update on MARR's Future

2815 Clearview Place

Atlanta, GA 30340


September 20, 2024


Dear MARR Community,


My name is Tad Leithead.  I serve as Chairman of the Board of Metro Atlanta Recovery Residences, or MARR. Today, I want to share some important news about the future of MARR.


For decades, MARR has been a vital resource for people on the path to recovery, offering not only treatment but also a sense of home and community. In recent years, the program has faced significant challenges which have impacted MARR’s future.  


Recently, the Board has taken steps to address these challenges.  We have taken a careful look at how to equip MARR to address the ever-changing environment we face.  After much deliberation, we concluded that we need to reposition MARR, both financially and from a management perspective, to provide MARR with the best opportunity to continue our mission of recovery.


We have made the decision to transfer ownership of MARR to an investor group which includes Todd Stumbo of Thoroughbred Wellness and Recovery, who will serve as our new CEO.  Todd is a highly respected individual in this industry with a proven track record of success in leading organizations in the mental health and addiction treatment environment.  This transfer will strengthen both MARR’s financial security and management capabilities. 


Todd is the perfect choice to lead MARR.  We believe in his values and ability to preserve the legacy of MARR while at the same time improving and strengthening the services we provide. This decision was not taken lightly, but we are confident that it is the best path forward.


We know that MARR holds a special place in the hearts of many—staff, alumni, and supporters alike. The values and traditions that have defined MARR over the years will remain central to its identity. We know that Todd is committed to honoring the spirit of community, long-term recovery, and the compassionate care that MARR has always stood for.


At the same time, change is a fact of life. With the guidance of Todd and with the support of his team, MARR will undergo significant improvements to ensure that it will continue to serve the recovery community for years to come. These changes will include modernizing our approaches, integrating evidence-based practices, and expanding services to better meet the needs of today’s clients.


Our goal is to ensure that MARR not only survives this period of evolution but thrives in the coming decades.  MARR will remain a place where individuals receive the high-quality care they need in a supportive, nurturing environment. We are committed to working closely with Todd to make sure that this transition is smooth and transparent.


To the staff, residents, alumni, and everyone who has supported MARR through the years, this is more than a change in management; it’s a partnership to build a stronger, more sustainable future for MARR and for the recovery community we serve.


We deeply appreciate your support and understanding during this time of transition. We will continue to provide updates and look forward to working together to ensure that MARR remains a beacon of hope and healing in Metro Atlanta.


Thank you.


Yours in service,

Tad Leithead

MARR Board of Directors, Chairman